Subject: Re: DNS/Smoothwall question
From: David J. Weller-Fahy (
Date: Tue Dec 24 2002 - 09:07:28 AKST
* Justin Dieters <> [2002-12-21 11:17]:
> Hey all, I have a Smoothwall box set up, and a GCI Cable modem. I get
> ip's for my internal network through DHCP from the Smoothwall. If I
> set my DNS to be my Smoothwall box, most sites will work, but
> occasionally I get sites that don't work, or will stop working
> suddenly. If I set my DNS to GCI's servers, all the sites work fine,
> but I can't access sites on my network with hostnames. I have to
> either put them into /etc/hosts or use their IP's.
Are you using the proxy server that comes with smoothwall? IIRC, there
was word that it would cause symptoms similar to what you're describing.
If you turned it off, everything would work again.
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