Subject: Re: Web/mp3 server
From: James Zuelow (
Date: Sun Dec 22 2002 - 14:04:48 AKST
On Sun, 22 Dec 2002 17:54:56 -0900
"i_robot" <> wrote:
> I've got my web server running apache and gnump3d (it works great
> with slack) This server is behind my smoothwall, and a netgear
> router. Is there a way, without adding an orange nic to let the
> rest of the world see it? I tried setting up port forwarding. I
> forwarded ports 80 and 8888 from the router to the smoothwall, and
> them same from the smoothwall tot he server. When I try accessing
> the site, It gives me the router config page, not my website. Can it
> be done?
When you try accessing the site from where? Inside your network or
If it is from inside your network and you are asking for the public IP
address, it is an artifact of network address translation. The router
& smoothwall know that the request came from inside the network, but
instead of setting up a virtual NAT (essentially doing NAT for an
outbound connection that doesn't actually go any farther than your
firewall/router, and then doing a redirect for a virtual "external"
connection) you get the http page generated by your router. The same
thing happens with a Linux firewall using iptables/ipchains and NAT
unless you either set up a DMZ (orange interface) so that requests
from both inside and outside are redirected in the same manner, or you
add some redirect rules for your firewall's internal interface as well
as it's external interface. I don't recommend redirecting your
internal interface though - you're asking your firewall to handle
traffic that might as well be directed directly to your web server.
If you get the request from outside your network, then there is a
problem with the port forwarding. You can test the external
connection by going to and doing a 'safe browse' of
your web site. should display your html code (or
gnump3d's) if everything is working right.
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