Subject: Re: Long live Perl!/parrot
From: Tim Johnson (
Date: Fri Dec 20 2002 - 19:02:14 AKST
I've just been reading the latest issue of "Linux Format" about
the "parrot" byte compiler which is part of the perl 6.0 project.
It appears that "parrot" is meant to be inclusive in that
(according to the article as I understand it) may eventually
work with python, ruby, java and TCL.
It sounds like a great project! I've always hated "language wars"
and the stupid "turf mentality" that sometimes arises. And the
MS-Office Suite seems to be a great idea corrupted by the manuevering
that M$ does around it. Wouldn't it be great if M$ could allow one
to write lisp, perl, python, rebol or whatever to customize it
instead of just VBA?
* Mark-Nathaniel Weisman <> [021220 01:34]:
> As soon as all those elves try to bring the .NET server up to date with
> all the required patches, that will be the end of Bill and Co. or better
> yet, attempt to keep the viruses off. I'm guessing they are digging this
> UNIX based box running perl, I mean with all the time off and all, don't
> know if they are going to want to turn that in to be paid babysitters
> again on a M$ box.
> His Faithful Servant,
> Mark
> =20
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Neil Moomey []=20
> Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2002 9:48 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE:Long live Perl!
> I wonder how long before Bill Gates buys Santa's operation, converts it
> to .Net and charges a per client license fee for Christmas?
> Neil
> Subject: Long live Perl!=20
> Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2002 12:44:12 -0900
> From: "Mark-Nathaniel Weisman" <>
> Kinda funny, thought you'd all enjoy this.
> His Faithful Servant,
> Mark-Nathaniel Weisman
> President / CEO
> Infinite Visions Educational Systems Inc.
> Anchorage, Alaska
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