Subject: Re: Remote directory <-> local directory comparison
From: Peter Q. Olsson (
Date: Wed Dec 18 2002 - 15:03:15 AKST
Here is a way to do basically what you want. You WILL need the Net::FTP
module, which you can get from the CPAN archives. Think if may come as a part of
a bundle, (maybe libnet?). If you do much w/ automated ftp transfers it is worth
the time to get.
I havbe tested the ftp part, it works. the file list comparisons I did not test
directly, but it should be close. You also "use strict" here (hence the my's and
our's) , but you use strict anyway, right?
At any rate, hack away:
use Net::FTP;
use strict;
our $AUTOFLUSH = 1; # flush each line as it is written
my $VERBOSE = 1; # extra prints optional, set to 0 for silent running
my $ftp = Net::FTP->new("");
$ftp->cwd("/pub/contrib/noarch/SRPMS"); # set current working dir (cd)
# get a list
my @remote_list = $ftp->ls;
$VERBOSE and print join "\n", @remote_list;
my %remote_size;
#iterate over list, finding each file's size
foreach my $fid (@remote_list)
$remote_size{$fid} = $ftp->size($fid);
$VERBOSE and print "$fid, $remote_size{$fid}\n";
## now, for the local directory
opendir DIR,"local_dir";
my @local_list =readdir DIR;
## find files locally that also exist remotely
foreach my $fid (@local_list)
exists $remote_size{$fid} ?
print "found $fid on remote site\n" :
print "did not find $fid on remote site\n";
| |
| Dr. Peter Q. Olsson, |
| Chief Scientist, Alaska Experimental Forecast Facility |
| University of Alaska Anchorage |
| 2811 Merrill Field Drive |
| Anchorage, AK 99501 |
| voice: (907) 264-7449 |
| fax : (907) 264-7444 |
| |
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