Subject: Amanda tapeless configuration (long)
From: Mike Barsalou (
Date: Tue Dec 17 2002 - 12:10:23 AKST
I am not sure if you have to do the tapeio part of this to make this work.
I haven't tested this stuff myself
I found this in google but didn't want to send the huge link:
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From: Clinton Hogge
( <>) Subject: Tapeless Amanda
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</groups?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&group=list.amanda.users> Date:
2001-11-28 17:07:21 PST
Per a recent request, this is my own little HOWTO on how to set up Amanda
to backup using a hard disk instead of tape. I tried to post this to the
FOM at <<>> but I
received a permission denied error when I tried to create a new login. So
I'm posting it here. In addition to installation, I added a section on
recovering with amrecover.
Thanks especially to John R. Jackson for helping me set this up. Also, as
noted recently, there's also a nice summary by Alex Muc at
Clinton Hogge
Industrial Images
Backing up to hard disk instead of tape
Assumes that:
Config files are in /etc/amanda
Configuration named "DailySet1"
Local state directory is /var/lib/amanda
Amanda is configured --with-user=amanda --with-group=disk
14 day dump cycle with an unattended "rotation" of the "tapes"
For the backup device I use a separate 4 gig hard drive mounted at /var2
1. Obtain the tapeio source from sourceforge:
$cvs login
$cvs -z3
checkout -r amanda-242-tapeio amanda
$cd amanda
2. Install Amanda as usual.
3. Edit the following config files (all mode 644, owner amanda, group disk):
# These are the options that differ from examples/amanda.conf
dumpcycle 14 days
tapecycle 14
#runspercycle # defaults to 1 per day
runtapes 1
tpchanger "chg-multi"
changerfile "/etc/amanda/DailySet1/changer.conf"
# Comment out tapedev and changerdev
tapetype HARD-DISK
labelstr "^DailySet1[0-9][0-9]*$"
define tapetype HARD-DISK {
comment "Hard disk instead of tape"
length 4000 mbytes # Simulates end of tape on hard disk (a 4 GB disk
define dumptype hard-disk-dump {
comment "Back up to hard disk instead of tape - using dump"
holdingdisk no
index yes
priority high
define dumptype hard-disk-tar {
comment "Back up to hard disk instead of tape - using tar"
program "GNUTAR"
multieject 0
gravity 0
needeject 0
ejectdelay 0
statefile /var/lib/amanda/DailySet1/changer-status
firstslot 1
lastslot 14
slot 1 file:/var2/amandadumps/tape01
slot 2 file:/var2/amandadumps/tape02
slot 3 file:/var2/amandadumps/tape03
slot 4 file:/var2/amandadumps/tape04
slot 5 file:/var2/amandadumps/tape05
slot 6 file:/var2/amandadumps/tape06
slot 7 file:/var2/amandadumps/tape07
slot 8 file:/var2/amandadumps/tape08
slot 9 file:/var2/amandadumps/tape09
slot 10 file:/var2/amandadumps/tape10
slot 11 file:/var2/amandadumps/tape11
slot 12 file:/var2/amandadumps/tape12
slot 13 file:/var2/amandadumps/tape13
slot 14 file:/var2/amandadumps/tape14
# hostname diskdev dumptype
# Replace "dumptype" with either "hard-disk-dump" or "hard-disk-tar"
# localhost /home hard-disk-dump
# localhost /etc hard-disk-tar
4. Create the "tapes" on the tape server hard drive with the associated
data directories:
$mkdir /var2/amandadumps
$mkdir /var2/amandadumps/tape01
$mkdir /var2/amandadumps/tape01/data
$mkdir /var2/amandadumps/tape14
$mkdir /var2/amandadumps/tape14/data
$chown -R amanda.disk /var2/amandadumps
$chmod -R 770 /var2/amandadumps
5. Use amlabel to label the tapes:
$amlabel DailySet1 DailySet101 slot 1
$amlabel DailySet1 DailySet114 slot 14
Recovery with amrecover
As root on the tape server:
$mkdir /tmp/restore
$cd /tmp/restore
$amrecover DailySet1
$setdate (Optional)
$sethost foo
$setdisk bar
$cd dir/which/contains/filetorecover
$add filetorecover
$list (note which "tape" the file is on)
$settape host:file:/var2/amandadumps/tapeXX
In this step, replace the appropriate host and tape values. For example to
extract a file from host "rustler" that's on tape 12:
$settape rustler:file:/var2/amandadumps/tape12
The only gotcha with amrecover is that if the files you want to extract are
on different tapes, you need to add only the files that are on tape01,
settape for tape01, extract, add files for tape02, settape tape02, extract,
etc. As a work-around, you can give amrecover a "fake" name (/tmp/whatever)
with the "-d" option and then symlink that to the appropriate "tape" as it
asks for it.
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