Subject: Re: Networking
From: Matthew Dunaway (
Date: Sun Dec 15 2002 - 11:24:17 AKST
Not yet. At the moment, we are using dial-up and are not networked.
I will get a Linksys router when we get DSL. I had one, but it doesn't work.
jennifer gross and jeremy shull wrote:
>Hey matt
>Are u using some kind of a hub to share your internet connection
>-----Original Message-----
>From: [] On Behalf
>Of Matthew Dunaway
>Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2002 11:05 AM
>Subject: Networking
>I am getting DSL next week. :-)
>My question is, I have SuSE 8.1 Personal. My wife's computer has Windows
>Can I share DSL with both operating systems? Or do I have to have Linux
>on both?
>I also have Mandrake 9.0 Power Pack, but it is not installed yet. I have
>a 20 gig hard drive, but would like to get another drive (80 gig or
>better). Windows XP takes up more than half of my 20 gig drive, and I
>don't want to remove SuSE, considering it took me a week to get it on
>the internet.
>My wife's computer only has a 4 gig drive, so a dual-boot is not an
>option at this point. Besides, I don't think she is interested in
>learing Linux anyway. It took me 8 months or so to teach her 98SE. (She
>had a stroke, so her memory is not what it used to be. :-( )
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