Subject: RE: DNS Server
From: Leif Sawyer (
Date: Wed Dec 11 2002 - 08:14:57 AKST
i_robot posits:
> Our tac-lan at work needs, or is willing to try, a different
> DNS server. The guy in charge has little knowledge about
> Linux, but is succumbing to my propaganda. Their currently
> using M$ for their webserver and what not. I'm looking for a
> webserver DNS server package....Will Apache do this?
I saw a bunch of answers about DNS and Apache on the same box, but
nobody else asked if you're looking for just the two servers to
co-exist on the same box, or if you're looking for web-based
management of your dns server..
If web-based management is what you're looking for, there are a
couple of packages available. is a great place
to start your search for different DNS management packages, although
most Linux distributions include one for you: Webmin.
If Webmin does everything you need it too, then you'll not need
to look any further..
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