Subject: Re: Sendmail query...
From: David J. Weller-Fahy (
Date: Mon Dec 09 2002 - 00:37:12 AKST
* W.D.McKinney <> [2002-12-09 00:25]:
> Well Mike, Arthur and other sys admin guys hang out on the list.
> I prefer qmail.
In the past I've used exim, simply because it's easier to setup, but I
decided to stick with the default... on my own head be it. ;]
Anywho, here's the setup. Sendmail 8.12.6.
Three domains:
Connect to the internet via NAT/gateway (smoothwall).
Mail server is called and
It also does web serving.
Mail server is running IMP (although I can duplicate with console apps,
as well).
I've followed this URL to setup sendmail:
Taking it with a grain of salt (or 100) because it's old.
My computers inside the firewall are all named [host]
If I send mail to any of the domains listed above, they get sent to the
forwarding service that I use for all three, and eventually make their
way back to the email address that all three forward to. This is not
right, as they SHOULD be delivered locally. If I try to send mail to
any other address, sendmail attempts to *deliver* the email to the same
forwarding service which, of course, doesn't forward that address. So,
it's obvious to me that I don't understand enough about what I'm doing,
and I'm asking for:
1) Help getting this working.
2) Someone to tell me, 'Hey, stuff that: Use exim!'
I can provide logs up the wazoo, including what works and what doesn't.
Any ideas?
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