Subject: Re: A question for the Perl programmers on the list
From: Greg Jetter (
Date: Sun Dec 08 2002 - 12:43:46 AKST
On Saturday 30 November 2002 08:07 pm, you wrote:
> Greg,
> You might try the O'reilly book "Algorithms with Perl" for a good
> woorkup on cryptographic programs. The O'reilly book "Perl Cookbook" has a
> couple of routines for generating passwords. MD5 is not technically an
> encryption algorithm it is a Message Digest Algorithm ...... that is to say
> it generates a unique 'FIXED' length output for a variable lenth input. In
> use I would send a document of some length to Alice. In addition if I
> Generated the MD5 digest for the document and sent it to Alice she would be
> able to determine that the document had not been altered in any way. She
> could calculate the MD5 digest for the document and compare it to the MD5
> digest I sent and if they did not match she would know the document had in
> some way been altered.
> Dan
thanks dan that makes MD5 clearer to me , im thinking of just adding a
arbtrary number to the password to make them harder to crack
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