Subject: RE: Modems
From: Mark-Nathaniel Weisman (
Date: Mon Dec 02 2002 - 14:27:19 AKST
Did you try Frigid North on Spenard in Anchorage. Or Alaska Used =
computer store over on 36th and Arctic. AUCS is really good for old =
Linux stuff? You have to know what you're looking for though. Good Luck. =
Worst case scenario, email me off list, I'm sure I've got a 56K USR =
around here somewhere, I can let you have (if I can find).
Mark-Nathaniel Weisman
Infinite Visions Educational Systems Incorporated
Anchorage, Alaska
-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew Dunaway []
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2002 2:25 PM
Subject: Modems
I went to CompUSA and Best Buy today. Best Buy did not have any modems =
will work with Linux in stock. When they have them, they are $79.95. I =
remember who made it.
CompUSA had a US Robotics for $99.99. It says it will work on any Linux =
kernel 2.3 or higher.
Does anyone know where I can get a modem for less than $99.99? I will =
get it
if I have to, but I would rather find someplace that might be cheaper.
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