Subject: Re: opengl and dri.
From: Brian ThunderEagle (
Date: Mon Dec 02 2002 - 08:05:52 AKST
What OS are you using? In redHat 8.0 the general drivers for the Radeon
work great, except for VIVO which I believe is still unsupported. After an
install with even RedHat 7.3 on default settings I typically get arouns 2300fps
on glxgears from what I remember. Configuring the ATI radeon in 7.2 or earlier
is definatly not something that is easy to figure out. I do have documents on
how to get this pretty much working though with the older drivers and OS. May
require a kernel rebuild though. Let me know what OS your using, and if you
would like the "basic" instructions on how to set up DRI, with the radeon.
Brian ThunderEagle
- furbs@swjedi.ner
Quoting peter <>:
> hey everyone,
> i've successfully configured my video card (ati all-in-wonder 7500) to
> use opengl. since ati has very little commitment to building linux
> drivers for their cards i had to use the dri files to get it running.
> that's all well and good but the maximum fps output is crap. glxgears
> outputs at 260 fps which is incredibly low. i have agp enabled in my
> xf86config. is anyone here familiar with this sort of situation? i've
> read website after website until my eyesockets bled looking for an
> answer. this includes the dri site, the transgaming site, and various
> hits from google searches.
> my general system details are as such:
> distro - slackware 8.1
> video card - ati radeon all-in-wonder 7500 agp with 64 mb of ddr ram
> current de - kde 3.0
> this might be pertinent, it's from my xf86config -
> > Section "Device"
> > Identifier "Allinwonder 7500"
> > Driver "radeon"
> > Option "AGPMode" "1"
> >
> > #VideoRam 65536
> > # Insert Clocks lines here if appropriate
> > EndSection
> any help or pointers to useful sites would be greatly appreciated. thanks.
> regards,
> peter steven house
> p.s. i've read about some users have a xf86config-4 file. is this
> useful? if so, what purpose does it serve?
> p.s.s. thanks again.
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