Re: cable modem speeds (attn Lief)

Subject: Re: cable modem speeds (attn Lief)
From: Greg Madden (
Date: Sun Nov 24 2002 - 17:23:45 AKST

On Sat, 2002-11-23 at 00:33, Scott Johnson wrote:
> It's permanent. Here's the new cable modem package speeds and transfer
> limits taken from
> 1.0M/128K with 10 gigabytes transfer/month: $49.99/month (Double up)
> 1.5M/128K with 20 gigabytes transfer/month: $84.99/month (Gold)
> 1.5M/256K with 25 gigabytes transfer/month: $99.99/month (Platnium)
> 2.4M/256K with 30 gigabytes transfer/month: $149.99/month (Diamond)
> I switched over to the new 2.4 plan and it's FAST. I can pull files from
> GCI's backbone at 280-285Kbytes sustained. I posted a screen shot at
> Let's see ACS try and compete now.
> Scott

Speed is nice, freedom to download as much as you want is nice also.

Greg Madden
Precision Air Balance, Inc.

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