RE: open-office on XP OEM notebook

Subject: RE: open-office on XP OEM notebook
From: Greg Madden (
Date: Tue Nov 12 2002 - 19:24:49 AKST

On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 10:47, Leif Sawyer wrote:
> William Bouterse writes:
> > Actually I have gotten cheaper rates that way....
> > from smaller techno items forwarded from relatives on the west coast..
> > The time two sticks of RAM was going to cost mmore to ship
> > than to purchase is a case in point...
> > Heck , even "barged" items don't ususally take that long 2-3 weeks,
> > but I guess the "I want it yesterday" mentality remains the
> > "motus operendi" these days
> > ( warning my latin is a little rusty !!!)
> >
> I'm also not thrilled with the lack of information on the laptop itself.
> I'd really like to know the vendor so I could see just how compatible it
> is, and what chipset its using. Not that i've got 1500 to burn, but
> it sure would be nice having a laptop thats slightly newer than my 150Mhz
> thinkpad..

The AMD 2200+ in this box is probably not a 'mobile' chip, AMD just
announced today the 2200 mobile chip.

Greg Madden
Precision Air Balance, Inc.

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