Subject: Re: Interesting news - turned into a long rant
From: Jim Gribbin (
Date: Fri Jul 26 2002 - 22:59:30 AKDT
Or maybe just more spin!
On the second article Mike referred to, I think the paragraphs referring
to MS and Nintendo are most on target.
Much as I hate to see it. I believe we will be forced, by necessity if
not by the Government, to adopt a security model with some of same
features as Palladium. After all, isn't one of the many reasons we use
Linux instead of Microsoft the security? What I have no intention of
accepting quietly is the technology to implement this owned by one
company, or the Government.
I think the days of anonymous surfing are coming to an end. As the
technology becomes available, I believe the people and companies that
own the infrastructure that makes up the Internet are going to stop
allowing access to their property by those who's identity and intentions
aren't known. Too many people (read crackers) have done too much damage
to too much property and by their actions have 'stuck it too' the rest
of us'.
The main part of Palladium I take offense with, aside from who owns it,
is the parts where they want the ability to check on what I'm doing on
my computer (read secure in my person and property) and the ability to
deny me access to the internet at their whim (read without due process).
If individual companies don't want to allow me into their part of it,
thats acceptable. If I don't like you I don't allow you into my house
either, but they don't have the right to stop me from going to my
friend's house down the street (read free assembly).
Jim Gribbin
On Fri, 2002-07-26 at 10:36, Mike Barsalou wrote:
> Last, time...I promise!
> I thought his was an interesting point of view:
> 5tham
> And some spin on what we saw yesterday:
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