Subject: Re: file ownership
From: Jim Gribbin (
Date: Tue Jul 23 2002 - 19:13:42 AKDT
I know this doesn't really answer your question, but unless you're using
Excel as a database. Wouldn't you be better off having a 'master
spreadsheet' editable by 1 person and have it linked to smaller
spreadsheets owned by the persons responsible for their contributions?
It seems like having 1 spreadsheet owned by 15 people is leading to
leaving you open to accusasions of 1 person changing anothers data.
Jim Gribbin
BTW - I would still like to know what happens to file ownership when
multiple users are editing the same file. I have almost always worked in
environments where this hasn't been an issue.
On Mon, 2002-07-22 at 15:14, Jon Reynolds wrote:
> I have a certain file that needs to be shared with about 15 users. It is an
> excel sheet that needs to be updated by everyone in the group. I have set
> the file on the server and given it the a user and group and shared it with
> the users. But whenever anyone edits the sheet and saves the changes it
> reverts to that user as the owner and this locks the rest of the group out.
> How do I make this shared excel sheet not change ownership?
> Jon
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