Subject: Re: Foreign Spam (was Re: Cadastro SP)
From: Adam Elkins (
Date: Sun Jul 21 2002 - 02:41:07 AKDT
James Gibson wrote:
>On Sun, 21 Jul 2002, civileme wrote:
>>On Saturday 20 July 2002 11:47 pm, The Alaskan Bear wrote:
>>>Can Someone tell me what in the blue h*** this is? I can't even understand
>>>the language let alone figure out how it got onto this list.
>>It is Portuguese and he is offering names, phone numbers, addresses, legal
>>descriptions of properties and web addresses, for condominium owners in Sao
>>Paulo--it is unclear due to my limited knowledge of Portuguese whether he is
>>selling marketing information or time-shares
>And who cares, right? =\
>Thanks for the translation anyway. =)
>Actually it's odd.. there has been a deluge of foreign spam in the last
>couple months onto most of the mailing lists that I'm subscribed to.. some
>completely unintelligible like this, others more or less in 'inglish', and
>a truly bizarre number of occurances of variations on the 'Nigerian Scam'
>(Truly surreal in the way that they go on and on about confidentiality...
>in a message posted to a public mailing list.. oy!).
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I guess it's working for somebody....I think you can buy a cd on ebay
that tells you how to do this.... = )
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