Subject: Foreign Spam (was Re: Cadastro SP)
From: James Gibson (
Date: Sun Jul 21 2002 - 01:40:49 AKDT
On Sun, 21 Jul 2002, civileme wrote:
> On Saturday 20 July 2002 11:47 pm, The Alaskan Bear wrote:
> > Can Someone tell me what in the blue h*** this is? I can't even understand
> > the language let alone figure out how it got onto this list.
> It is Portuguese and he is offering names, phone numbers, addresses, legal
> descriptions of properties and web addresses, for condominium owners in Sao
> Paulo--it is unclear due to my limited knowledge of Portuguese whether he is
> selling marketing information or time-shares
And who cares, right? =\
Thanks for the translation anyway. =)
Actually it's odd.. there has been a deluge of foreign spam in the last
couple months onto most of the mailing lists that I'm subscribed to.. some
completely unintelligible like this, others more or less in 'inglish', and
a truly bizarre number of occurances of variations on the 'Nigerian Scam'
(Truly surreal in the way that they go on and on about confidentiality...
in a message posted to a public mailing list.. oy!).
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