Subject: Re: D4X
From: civileme (
Date: Thu Jul 18 2002 - 22:51:39 AKDT
On Thursday 18 July 2002 07:28 pm, Greg Madden wrote:
> On Thu, 2002-07-18 at 17:15, Adam Elkins wrote:
> > I got Downloader for X. I instaled it. The thing I hate about rpm/tgz
> > is, how do I run them? Whats the command? More so, where does it stick
> > those things? Anyway, I got d4x, but don't know the command for it.
> > Where should I look for it? Somewhere is /usr I assume...can;t find it.
> >
> > Adam
> I use 'locate' to find things on my box. Locate searches a db of the
> contents all the file systems mounted in your fstab file. You have to
> create the db by running 'updatedb'. You can setup 'updatedb' to run as
> a cron job to keep a current inventory of your mounted file systems.
> So..
> 1. At a root prompt of your choice, # updatedb
> 2. At a root prompt of your choice, # locate <foobar>
But locate or slocate won't do much good if he doesn't know that the
executable for d4x is 'nt'
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