Subject: Re: D4X
From: Anthony Valentine (
Date: Thu Jul 18 2002 - 20:31:53 AKDT
try rpm -qpl <rpm file>
This will list the contents of the rpm showing what files are in it and
where they are put. Usually you can find the executable by grepping for
bin, like so: rpm -qpl <rpm file> | grep bin
On Thu, 2002-07-18 at 17:15, Adam Elkins wrote:
> I got Downloader for X. I instaled it. The thing I hate about rpm/tgz
> is, how do I run them? Whats the command? More so, where does it stick
> those things? Anyway, I got d4x, but don't know the command for it.
> Where should I look for it? Somewhere is /usr I assume...can;t find it.
> Adam
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