Subject: Re: Converting mp3 to wav
From: Jon Reynolds (
Date: Sun Jul 14 2002 - 11:46:48 AKDT
Thanks for the replies fellas, while those two would work perfectly for
the converting I still need a normalizer. Just so you know what a
normalizer will do, in case your not familiar with them, let me explain.
Remember when we used to make cassette tapes of our favorite songs from
different tapes? One song would be louder than the other or the next
song would come up and be very soft. The normalizer just makes all songs
have the same volume from song to song for a consistent volume all the
way through. With that said, I can use the apps that WD and Justin told
me about but still need a normalizer. I have looked online but only find
normalizers that work as you play the song, I need one that I can run
against raw .wav files before I burn to CD. Any Ideas on this?
Also, just want to say thank you for all the help the list has given me
recently..i.e Maildirs, tainting, converting mp32wav, and the
I mean the JavaVM. You guys rock!
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