Subject: Re: Java VM
From: Justin Dieters (
Date: Wed Jul 10 2002 - 15:22:44 AKDT
I use Limewire all the time, and it works with java 1.3 or 1.4, and you
don't (at least I didn't) need to do anything to your classpath to get
it to work.. it just needs to find the 'java' executable... And you
need to run the RunLime (?) script from the Limewire directory.
Neil Moomey wrote:
>For clarification the JRE contains the Java Virtual Machine used for
>executing code only. It cannot compile java into bytecode. The SDK
>(Software Development Kit) which used to be called the JDK contains all
>the software development tools for compiling, debugging, java docs
>generation etc. It also includes the JRE so either one of these
>downloads should work fine. If your application asks you for the path
>to the JRE or JVM you need to look for the application java located
>something like /usr/java/j2re***/bin/. Keep in mind some applications
>require certain versions so you may need to install J2SE1.3 and
>J2SE1.4. It's best to read the install notes carefully:
> Don't assume the install
>instructions are the same for each version. You can also echo $PATH to
>see if the install set up your path variable correctly and $CLASSPATH
>for any third party .jar files you use.
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