Subject: Re: Anyone else find this interesting?
From: Greg Jetter (
Date: Wed Jul 10 2002 - 09:41:28 AKDT
On Wednesday 10 July 2002 08:20 am, Mike Barsalou wrote:
> I was looking at the Win4lin site recently and came across this:
> Got any opinions?
> Mike
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I was one of their early users , win4lin 1.0 , and at the time was going
to market their product in alaska. They decided to go with the Microsoft
approch , that is inclemental upgrades at full price. I talked at lenth to
there development people when I was evaluating the software. they were some
great folks At that time they had the Terminal server software but would
not releses it to retailers because they wanterd to charge fees to install
it with their own personel. Basicly they had a good product but did not
have a business model to market it correctly. Well the SCO people got
involved and you see whats come about. A very microsoftish licencing scheem
. Kind of funny when you realise their code is riddled with GPLed stuff.
I refused to use their stuff , it's a ripoff of the Wine project. Their
owenership is Billy Gates Clones . They through around the word Linux and
want to feed off the Opensource/ freeware movement but they won't release
their code or give back anything to the community. A bunch of leaches...
well you asked !!
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