Subject: Re: tcpa/palladium
From: civileme (
Date: Mon Jul 01 2002 - 23:56:32 AKDT
On Monday 01 July 2002 08:47 pm, Jim Gribbin wrote:
> Stan sent me a link that while it doesn't actually tie into the
> Palladium stuff, it does tie into some other stuff that Cringly talks
> about in this column.
> Jim Gribbin
Bill Parish's analysis does seem to be correct. A loophole in the law is
being exploited which has the effect of overstating the equity in financial
position. It is not just Microsoft that is using this loophole though they
may well be one of the top exploiters.
No one wants to admit it because it is Oct 29, 1929 all over again if they
do. And the poor teachers across the US will find their retirement funds
empty, (not to mention many other groups).
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