Re: kernel compilation problems

Subject: Re: kernel compilation problems
From: Christopher S. Swingley ( )
Date: Fri Dec 07 2001 - 08:22:15 AKST

Jim Gribbin wrote:
> > When I 'make bzlilo' I get all sorts of problems and warnings and finish
> > up with 1 - error 1 and 2 - error 2's and no kernel.

I can think of two problems you may be having. First, when Red Hat 7.0
came out, they included an experimental snapshot of gcc as the default
compiler (2.96 or something like that). This compiler has a variety
of problems, and may not successfully compile a kernel. Subsequently,
Red Hat patched it so it will work. So you might look for an updated
version and try that. Also, the README file that's in the top level
directory specifies which version of gcc the kernel hackers require.
(for 2.4.16, this is 2.91.66 -- 2.95.2 is listed as "not as safe")

Secondly, the new version (within the last week or so) of the binutils
package (for any distribution that stays up to date) is stricter
than the older versions, and improper kernel code causes the linker
(ld) to fail when building a kernel. The fault actually lies with
the kernel code, but the temporary solution is to downgrade your
binutils package. I don't know if this affects 2.2 kernels, but it
certainly prevents you from compiling 2.4.16. Since you said you're
running Red Hat 7.0, this seems fairly unlikely.

If neither of these issues exist, you might try sending the actual
error messages to the list. Warnings aren't too big of a deal --
it's the errors that keep a kernel from being built.


Christopher S. Swingley             phone: 907-474-2689
Computer / Network Manager          email:
IARC -- Frontier Program            GPG and PGP keys at my web page:
University of Alaska Fairbanks

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Ben Franklin

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