[aklug] Re: Slicing up a PDF

From: Royce Williams <royce@tycho.org>
Date: Fri Mar 13 2015 - 20:42:27 AKDT

On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 2:49 PM, Mike <alaskabarsalou@gmail.com> wrote:

> Talking about PDF's
> Occasionally I have the need to slice a pdf that is bigger than my
> printers available output into smaller pieces.
> I found a program called PosteRazor that seems to do the job well.
> It was required that I convert the pdf to an image first.... convert did
> the job just fine.

pdftk is pretty good for the Linux cmdline:

royce@mycroft2:~$ pdftk
       pdftk <input PDF files | - | PROMPT>
    [ input_pw <input PDF owner passwords | PROMPT> ]
    [ <operation> <operation arguments> ]
    [ output <output filename | - | PROMPT> ]
    [ encrypt_40bit | encrypt_128bit ]
    [ allow <permissions> ]
    [ owner_pw <owner password | PROMPT> ]
    [ user_pw <user password | PROMPT> ]
    [ flatten ] [ need_appearances ]
    [ compress | uncompress ]
    [ keep_first_id | keep_final_id ] [ drop_xfa ]
    [ verbose ] [ dont_ask | do_ask ]
    <operation> may be empty, or:
    [ cat | shuffle | burst | rotate |
      generate_fdf | fill_form |
      background | multibackground |
      stamp | multistamp |
      dump_data | dump_data_utf8 |
      dump_data_fields | dump_data_fields_utf8 |
      dump_data_annots |
      update_info | update_info_utf8 |
      attach_files | unpack_files ]

       For Complete Help: pdftk --help

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