[aklug] Re: messing with Sendmail

From: Christopher Howard <ch.howard@zoho.com>
Date: Wed Jan 07 2015 - 23:24:42 AKST

I hate to break it to you, but you definitely are not normal. Anyone
who derives pleasure from tweaking their sendmail configuration
belongs to a unique class comprising about 0.002% of the population.

Just curious... does it encrypt the SMTP session?

On Wed, 07 Jan 2015 23:03:12 -0900
Mike <alaskabarsalou@gmail.com> wrote:

> OK, as soon as you read the subject line, you groaned...I know...its
> OK. I'm perfectly normal.
> Everyone once in a while, I feel like fooling around with my
> sendmail configuration to try different things.
> Yes, I really am normal.
> So what I wanted to do was sendmail to Google's smtp server. I
> found this document:
> https://support.google.com/a/answer/176600?hl=en
> Which implies that as long as I have an account to authenticate
> with, I can send mail through their server and it will be
> delivered...AS LONG AS I use port 465 or 587.
> However, sendmail sends stuff to port 25 by default, so I had to
> figure out how to change the port.
> Also, since I had a smarthost already configured and didn't want to
> mess with that, I decided to use mailertable to deliver mail to a
> specific domain through their server.
> This means I had to create a new mailer by copying the existing smtp
> entry in the .cf file like this and placed it after all of the other
> mailer definitions in the .mc file:
> Msmtp-587, P=[IPC], F=mDFMuX, S=EnvFromSMTP/HdrFromSMTP,
> R=EnvToSMTP, E=\r\n, L=990,
> A=TCP $h 587
> and my mailertable has the entry:
> destination.domain.com smtp-587:smtp.gmail.com
> Note: I believe there has to be at least one tab before the stuff on
> the right...so copying and pasting this might not work.
> restarting sendmail on the Ubuntu box rebuilds the mailertable and
> the sendmail.cf file.
> So, if you like to mess with sendmail and more clarification is
> needed or you have questions, let me know because I may be assuming
> something that isn't obvious.
> Mike B.
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Christopher Howard
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Received on Wed Jan 7 23:28:02 2015

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