Past discussion usually ended with there being an issue about folks =20
representing themselves as an AKLUG "official".
I like the idea generally, but it might make more sense to just =20
generate some funky domain name and then have someone manage that. At =20
that point, the problem becomes an issue of hosting and reliability.
What if one of the members address is used from some spamming =20
situation? How does that get managed?
What if someone uses that e-mail address to receive child porn or =20
something else equally elicit?
I'm not saying any of this would happen, just wondering how it would =20
end up being managed?
Mike B.
Quoting Christopher Howard <>:
> Has the aklug ever talked about having their own local e-mail server
> with accounts for regular aklug members?
> Reason I ask: One of the more likely "emergencies" around here, living
> in Alaska, is that our Internet communications with the rest of the
> world get cut off (lines get cut). I seem to recall that happening once
> years ago. Being a LUG, it would seem ideal that we would be better
> prepared for that sort of thing. We should have a set-up so that, when
> it happened, we could be e-mailing back and forth with each other about
> the situation when most other people are still trying to figure out what
> is going on.
> But as it stands, most of us on the list are using gmail, yahoo mail,
> and so forth, and would be cut off from the rest of the the AKLUG when
> out-of-state communications go down. Possible remedies are:
> 1. We all each own and operate our own local e-mail servers.
> 2. All the regular users of the AKLUG have an e-mail account on one
> local server.
> The second option seems more realistic. But before going into issues of
> implementation and whatnot, what are the feelings of the rest of you all
> about an idea like that?
> --
> ---------
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