[aklug] Quick copy when you can't use rsync or scp?

From: Christopher Howard <choward@indicium.us>
Date: Wed Feb 24 2010 - 00:11:54 AKST

Hash: SHA1

Hey guys, I was setting up Gentoo on a box for my cluster project, and I
screwed up my partitioning. I need to pull the system files off, 2GB in
a complex directory structure, onto another PC on the network, fix the
partitioning, and then put them back.

My first thought was rsync, but (surprisingly) the installation disk
doesn't have it, and apparently rsync has to be on both machines. My
second thought was scp, which supports recursive directory copying. But
then I found out scp is hardwired to follow all symbolic links (this
option cannot be turned off) and I am afraid of what freaky affects that
might have.

So, what is the fastest and most convenient option available to me, in
your opinion? Or perhaps am I being too paranoid about the SCP issue?

- --

>>> Christopher Howard <<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>> http://indicium.us <<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>> http://theologia.indicium.us <<<
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