[aklug] Re: Dual monitors, dual X servers

From: James Zuelow <James_Zuelow@ci.juneau.ak.us>
Date: Thu Nov 06 2008 - 08:49:14 AKST

> -----Original Message-----
> From: aklug-bounce@aklug.org [mailto:aklug-bounce@aklug.org]=20
> On Behalf Of Clay Scott

> the principal could easily be modified to fit your needs=20
> though it would require some scripting to get a single=20
> command to spawn everything just the way you wanted. i think=20
> i originally used the link below to get started with my=20
> setup. should get you going in the right direction...
> http://linux.about.com/od/nwb_guide/a/gdenwb01t52_3.htm
Thanks Clay. This actually looks like a good starting point. I've had
init firing up multiple X servers running on different virtual terminals
before, but they used the same keyboard/mouse/display so I could not use
both at once. It looks like I need to set up xorg.conf with a different
monitor, keyboard and mouse for each display and then figure out how to
tell kdm/xdm/gdm to use one or the other depending on which terminal it
is using.

Unfortunately, the xorg folks have gone on this "xorg.conf is
deprecated" path, which means it is more and more difficult to customize
X as time goes by. During this last summer I could not use the ati
driver at home and was forced to use fglrx because of that. =20

(The ati driver interpreted my monitor's edid information as 1400x1400.
I'm not sure why, as you can see the edid data in /var/log and the
monitor never claimed that resolution. Anyway, my monitor disagreed
with the 1400x1400 and just flashed unsupported mode at me. Fglrx
correctly figured out that it was 1400x900. Modelines that had been
sitting in xorg.conf for a year did not help one whit.) You can use
xrandr to set a lot of these things, but it's a cludge and you have to
be in your x session to run it anyway.

Probably will be a big PITA to figure out what percentage of silver has
to be in the knife that sacrifices the bull at midnight under a lunar
eclipse to get newer versions of xorg to do what *I* want them to do
instead of what the xorg developers feel is best for me. But that link
is a good starting point.

And hey, the xorg developers really do like laptop users -- therefore
monitor cloning for projectors and stuff just works "out of the box"
now. It's just anything slightly out of the ordinary that is getting
harder to do.

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