Article: Pay Pal uses Linux

From: Anthony Yeo <>
Date: Tue Mar 27 2007 - 12:26:50 AKDT

Hi Folks:

I was surprised to learn that Pay Pal uses Linux,
specifically Redhat Linux, but their own versions of
it - they modify it.

Google also uses linux but it's their own version.


The reason why they use linux is simple. You do not
have to pay $$$ for software. That's the appeal of
open source.


Linux, open source software pay off for PayPal

By Phil Hochmuth, Network World, 03/23/07

When Scott Thompson left Visa to take the CTO role at
PayPal in 2005, the Web company's data center
surprised him. "Wait a minute," he recalls saying,
"they run a payment system on Linux?"
Other stories on this topic

"I was pretty familiar with payment systems and global
trading systems, but I just scratched my head when I
came here," Thompson says. With his history of working
on IBM mainframes and large Sun Solaris systems, the
PayPal approach to computing seemed alien, especially
for a company whose core mission was dealing with

PayPal runs thousands of Linux-based, single-rack-unit
servers, which host the company's Web-presentation
layer, middleware and user interface. Thompson says he
quickly saw the economic, operational and development
advantages of open source and Linux technology. He now
sees no other way to do it.

"When you're buying lots of Big Iron, as I did in
other places I've worked, your upgrade path is $2
million, $3 million at a clip. You just had to buy big
chunks of stuff to scale," he says. "Here at PayPay,
our upgrade path is 10 $1,000 no-name servers, slapped
into the midtier of the platform. And we just keep
scaling it that way. It's unbelievably cost

This model also leads to a highly reliable site, says
Matthew Mengerink, vice president of core technologies
for PayPal, who helped build this architecture from

"Rather than have a monolithic box, or an impenetrable
fortress that never breaks, we just have so many
[nodes] that the breakages are irrelevant," Mengerink
says. Using a proprietary operating system to build
out a system with a thousand points of failure would
not be an option, he says. "This distributed, highly
redundant system we have is predicated on the cost
model of Linux and Intel," he adds.

The distributed model also lets the company make
massive shifts and resource allocation when needed.
The generic Linux Lego-block-style servers that make
up the company's Web tier can be easily shifted around
for a variety of tasks.

For example, every day at 1 a.m. PST, PayPal runs its
batch processing for reconciling payments. Thompson
says this kind of work, typically done on mainframes
or large symmetric multiprocessing boxes in other
payment organizations, is spread across the
middle-tier Linux servers in the data center.

"We don't bring the site down" he says. "We just
allocate a higher portion of the [servers] to running
batch processes, and we crunch through all that data
in three hours every night."

On the back end, these thousands of systems
communicate with just a few large Sun Solaris boxes,
which run an Oracle database that stores all customer
data. A custom-made database connection-management
system links Web processes from the Linux-based Web
and middleware tiers of the PayPal site to the
Sun/Oracle back end.

"The speed with which the processes come and go is
blindingly fast," Mengerink says. "So there is a tier
that buffers between those Web and database layers. As
far as the application is concerned, it just thinks it
is making calls out to a database. The application
just doesn't care there is this middle layer. Then the
database on its side sees a nice, old-fashioned
durable connection, and doesn't feel like it's being
melted down by a connection storm."

Using open source Red Hat Linux also provides several
advantages on the development side. Because of the
low-cost hardware and software PayPal uses on its
production system, it can almost replicate the state
of its entire live site in the application development
lab. This lets PayPal coders write new versions of the
PayPal production applications, which can then be
switched on live with minimal disruptions.
Other stories on this topic

"When you have developers testing a system on the
exact same environment that you have in production,
the probability for weird things happening is a lot
lower. That's really key," Mengerink says. "Open
source clearly makes this a lot more cost effective as
well, since you don't have the same licensing costs
that would be associated" with duplicating a live site
in the lab.

This model also helps PayPal developers frequently
churn out new versions of the Web site's main
applications, which can be both a positive and
negative thing.

"The one struggle we have is a classic struggle, is
our decision to align development and the live site,"
Mengerink says. "Developers are radical. They would be
on the beta version of the newest latest and greatest
all the time, with some kernel patch they found from
some college Web site," he says. "The people in
operations are a little more conservative than that.
Their take is, no feelings would be hurt if we just
used the most stable, known versions of things."

This approach PayPal developers take in molding the
Linux kernel and other open source code they use helps
to make the overall system more secure, Mengerink

Linux servers in PayPal's data center run Red Hat
kernels with custom tweaks that add extra layers of
security to the systems. As a basic step, superfluous
services, packages and other software are stripped

"The combination of Linux and open source allows us to
do the modifications we need to scale and have that
extreme rigidity of security," Mengerink says.

Security policies and code also are added to the
machines -- Mengerink would not give specifics --
which creates a built-in layer of mistrust among
machines on the data-center network. Each box is
configured as if it were operating in an untrusted
network. "So there is no such thing as a sitewide
compromise," he say. "You'd have to go box by box and
fight your way."

So far, the mix of distributed Linux and open source
software and rapid application development of open
source code have been a success, Mengerink says. And
it certainly keeps work interesting.

"Sometimes we feel a little schizophrenic," he says.
"We're a Web company; we're a real-time payment system
-- oh, dear. So doing both is very hard."

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