Re: script vs code [was Curious question]

From: Tim Johnson <>
Date: Thu Sep 07 2006 - 10:55:24 AKDT

* captgoodnight captgoodnight <> [060906 22:51]:
> <ziiiiiip up the suit>
> LOL; my name is Biff, and I code in C++, I'm cooler than youuuu Tommy,
> because you don't use a compiler, or have a binary to run. I'm also cooler
> because I knowww how to use pooooiiiiinters...
> Then Tommy builds a exploit in perl for Metasploit and shatters Biff's
> little binary ;p) Tommy then steals credit card numbers from the company who
> bought Biff's binary. Sounds familiar.
> Match the language to the job and do it secure.
> compiled vs interpreted, phew...rise above such nonsense.
> LOL; my name is Biff, and I code in C++, I'm cooler than youuuu Tommy,
  Don't get me started about C++ and header files. Grrr!

> compiled vs interpreted, phew...rise above such nonsense.
  BTW: the 'Common Lisp spec' (like Ansi for "C") requires
  that the lisp distro can both compile (create standalone
  executable) *and* interpret (process as a "script").

  Some distros of scheme (like bigloo) can do so also.

> Then Tommy builds a exploit in perl for Metasploit and shatters Biff's
  PLs that can do symbolic computing can easily "turn off" certain
  functions at runtime:
  Example (rebol) below:

>> help call
    CALL cmd /input in /output out /error err /wait /console /shell /info

     Executes a shell command to run another process.
     CALL is a native value.

     cmd -- The shell command or file (Type: string file block)

;; set the 'call function to 'none
>> system/words/call: none
== none
>> help call
CALL is a none of value: none
;; call is not longer exploitable

 I live in Palmer and usually Friday night is "non-computer night" (to
 make my family happy) but I think it would be fun to have a meeting
 about Programming languages=>RE: open source, future trends, etc...

 I once did a presentaton to a Cisco class at Colony High School (near
 Palmer). One of the students was about 17 years old, had learned a
 little C++ and some sort of proprietory Basic and when I:

   1)Made reference to the link above
   2)Talked about being able to be flexible, relearning and retraining

 he responded in a manner that indicated that he was already set in his
 ways - actually seemed threatened by the idea of new ideas.
 So much for "thinking outside of the box"!

 Gotta be able to live and learn.

Tim Johnson <>
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