Well, i hate to start a flame war, but(makes sure
flame retardand underware is in place) what do we
expect? We teach kids that we are nothing but highly
evolved apes, and that survival of the fittest is the
rule of nature. If that's true, then morality is
nothing more than a hindrance to our survival and
there is no right and wrong. If Darwin is correct, so
are these kids and they've done nothing wrong.
Subject: RE: What are kids learning!!!
Date: Mon, 22 May 2006 07:11:58 -0800
From: "Kevin Miller" <Kevin_Miller@ci.juneau.ak.us>
Greg Madden wrote:
> My neighbors XP box stopped working due to all the
usual stuff
> Windows get infected with. He was ready to toss it
so i installed
> Suse. Turns out his daughter goes to all the P2P
site & Warez.com ,
> and thinks nothing is wrong with that, all my
friends are doing it
> . Now she wants me to FIX Suse so Warez et al just
> Freaks me out, she has no concept of copyright
..etc, What are kids
> learning these days. If this is public education, I
want my taxes
> back.=20
Well, that's the problem right there. Parents
abdicated the
responsibility to instill moral and ethical values in
their kids to
complete strangers in the local school system. Just
asking the
"what are they learning" implies a lack of control and
knowledge over
the content. I want my taxes back too, but we home
school; we're not
getting any value for our tax dollars, but at least
they're not ruining
my kids for life! <g>
> BTW, he loves Suse, everything works for him.
It is great to be able to click on questionable emails
and the like and
not lose any sleep over them, install software you can
trust, etc. =20
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