Hash: SHA1
I new people who used Warez. They used it to get software they couldn't
afford. As a Linux user I have no need for Warez. I get all my software
for free :).
We need to spread the the word. Linux and open source software is good
and free as in $$$.
Greg Madden wrote:
> My neighbors XP box stopped working due to all the usual stuff Windows get
> infected with. He was ready to toss it so i installled Suse. Turns out
> his daughter goes to all the P2P site & Warez.com , and thinks nothing is
> wrong with that,all my friends are doing it :-) . Now she wants me to FIX
> Suse so Warez et al just work.
> Freaks me out, she has no concept of copyright ..etc, What are kids
> learning these days. If this is public education, I want my taxes back.
> BTW, he loves Suse, everything works for him.
- --
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