Do you have any sort of DNS on your network? I'm thing that maybe you manually altered the "hosts" files on the windows boxes at some point to tell them where the samba server was. Now that it's essentially "moved", they no longer know where it's at.
Jim Gribbin
----- Original Message -----
From: Greg Madden <>
Date: Thursday, May 18, 2006 3:23 pm
Subject: Samba, Linux hostname ?
> I changed the hostname on my Linux box. This box runs a Samba
> server,
> sharing a directory with two windows boxes on the network. Since
> the
> hostname change the new hostname (or old hostname) does not show
> up on
> any of the other boxes, windows or other linux boxes. I restarted
> the
> samba init script, there doesn't seem to be anything specific
> about
> hostnames in the smb.conf file. Why can't the other boxes 'see'
> the
> Linux box?
> --
> Greg Madden
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