Re: Thunderbird sucking

From: Arthur Corliss <>
Date: Thu Apr 21 2005 - 11:46:43 AKDT

On Thu, 21 Apr 2005, David J. Weller-Fahy wrote:

> You may want to take another look, as I believe that's been fixed.
> Here's an excerpt from `man muttrc(5)`:
> #v+
> reverse_name
> Type: boolean
> Default: no
> It may sometimes arrive that you receive mail to a certain
> machine, move the messages to another machine, and reply to some
> the messages from there. If this variable is set, the default
> From: line of the reply messages is built using the address
> where you received the messages you are replying to if that
> address matches your alternates. If the variable is unset, or
> the address that would be used doesn't match your alternates,
> the From: line will use your address on the current machine.
> #v-
> And from my .muttrc file:
> #v+
> set reverse_name # respond as the email address that received the mail
> #v-
> So, one option seems graceful to me. ;]

That only solves part of the problem. That doesn't handle mail that comes
from mailing lists, bcc'd mail, etc. You can't always rely on the envelope
headers if that mail was originally delivered to an account on another box,
and then forwarded from there, either.

> My biggest problem with Pine was the inability (when I tried it) to edit
> received emails in place on an IMAP server (example: jokes, I'd edit
> them to cut out all the cruft, then save them to my humor folder). It
> wouldn't let you do it (that I remember, maybe you know how).

Well, I don't do IMAP for my mail, so that's not an issue for me, nor do I
know if it's been fixed.

        --Arthur Corliss
          Bolverk's Lair --
          Digital Mages --
          "Live Free or Die, the Only Way to Live" -- NH State Motto
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