Perl hacker responds to Arthur

Subject: Perl hacker responds to Arthur
From: Peter Q. Olsson (
Date: Thu Feb 26 2004 - 15:29:21 AKST

Sir Arthur Corliss writes

>My philosophy in UNIX is to use the tool most appropriate to the job. I know
>a lot of Perl hackers that have completely forsaken awk and sed just because
>it can do the same thing. In most cases, however, using Perl is like using a
>20 sledge hammer when all you need is a 12 ounce ballpeen. :-P

But... perl is more enjoyable, readable, more reusable, and best of all, don't
you know how much fun it is smashing puny things with a 20 lb hammer? :^)

When in doubt, perl your way out!


   | Dr. Peter Q. Olsson,
   | Chief Scientist, Alaska Experimental Forecast Facility
   | University of Alaska Anchorage
   | 2811 Merrill Field Drive
   | Anchorage, AK 99501
   | voice: (907) 264-7449, fax (907) 264-7444

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