Re: counting mispelled words

Subject: Re: counting mispelled words
From: Mac Mason (
Date: Wed Jan 21 2004 - 22:41:10 AKST

So, I was bored, and wrote you a program.

It's reproduced below; copy into a file, make executable, and read the
header comment to see how to use it.

#! /usr/bin/perl

# Written by Mac Mason on a whim; spits out number of misspelled words.
# Uncommenting one line will allow printing of misspelled words.
# Program is pretty dumb; it requires the dictionary to have every word
# seperated by newlines.

use strict;

my $counter = 0;

if (@ARGV < 2)
    print "Need two arguments; \'./program DICTIONARY FILE_TO_CHECK\'\n"

my $dictfile = @ARGV[0];
my $checkfile = @ARGV[1];

open DICT, "$dictfile" or die "Can't open dictionary!";
open FILE, "$checkfile" or die "Can't open file to check!";

chomp(my @temp = <DICT>);

my %dict;

foreach (@temp)
    $dict{$_} = 1;

while (<FILE>)
   my @line = split;

    foreach (@line)
        if (!exists $dict{$_})
# print "$_\n"; # Uncomment to get printout of words

print "$counter misspelled words\n";

# End of program

Have fun!


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