Re: spam filtering

Subject: Re: spam filtering
Date: Fri May 09 2003 - 15:00:30 AKDT

On Fri, May 09, 2003 at 07:11:57AM -0800, David J. Weller-Fahy <> wrote:
> I've got the same thing running here. The only thing I've noticed is
> that (since the update to .11.1 and .12.2) I'm getting a few more false
> negatives every week. I think I may have to retrain the good/bad
> wordlists with the new version.

I started filtering yesterday, and I'm getting false negatives too.
I only trained for a few days, but I thought that would be enough
with as much spam as I get. Still, the filtering is a big improvement,
and when I get non-filtered spam, I write them to a 'spam' file, and
run 'bogofilter -Ns <spam' to reclassify it.

> > It wasn't that hard to set up, and I'm happy with the situation.
> > I would have expected Bayesian filtering to be complicated, but
> > bogofilter takes care of the details, and is easy to use from a
> > user perspective.
> Nope, easy as pie. Need to figure out how to setup 3 state filtering,
> though: SPAM, UNSURE, and NOT SPAM would be better, then I could just
> train on the UNSURE and completely misfiled.
> Have you tried anything with the 3 states instead of two yet?

No, I haven't. It would be easy enough to tell bogofilter to do that,
but what should be done with the results? Would I have to have a
third, "unsure" mailbox? Two is enough for me. I'll continue to
reclassify the mistakes, and things should shake out sooner or later.

Bryan Medsker

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