For WSH people

Subject: For WSH people
From: furbs (
Date: Tue Apr 01 2003 - 12:18:37 AKST

     I know, this shouldn't really be posted to this group but I figure some
people here actually use Windows to do some stuff. If you do much WSH
scripting, then I have 2 scripts attached that may be of interest.

     This is a typical progress bar that I found online somewhere. I have
modified it so it looks a little bit better and displays the actual Percentage
on the middle of the bar. It uses IE, and uses tables to make the bar. Pretty
easy to use with, and easy to implement with this example/skeleton script.

     This is something I made starting originally with the Progressbar
structure. I have completely modified the way it works to be used as an error
handler. It is pretty much a function that is called with an error code sent to
it. You have to manually tell it what to say for each error code, and currently
has 4 modes.
0 or False) Null Error (In case it was called on accident)
1-99) "Continue" or "Cancel" case. (Standard Range)
100-199) "Yes" or "No" case. (Confirmation Range)
200-299) Fatal Error (Fatal Range, stop script)
I have found this to be an excellent way to handle custom errors, or simply
handling possible events to prevent errors from occurring in the first place.
Obviously if you wanted this script to handle Err.Number codes, that could
easily be done as well. But currently it is set to only allow codes up to 300.

Both of these scripts I have tried to comment as much as possible without the
comments making it difficult to understand the programs. Both have also been
modified so that they always have the focus. Because they are both
example/skeleton files, they can be run as they are to see them work. Remove
the '.txt' to use them.

     Brian ThunderEagle

-- Attached file included as plaintext by Listar --
-- File: Progress.vbs.txt

' ==============================================================
' Created By: Brian ThunderEagle
' Progress Bar v.4
' Original Author: Unknown
' ==============================================================
' ======================== DECLARATIONS ========================

Dim gdocProgressBar
Dim goieProgressBar
Set gdocProgressBar = Nothing
Set goieProgressBar = Nothing
Dim Progress_Amount
Dim Objects

' ======================== DECLARATIONS =========================
' ===============================================================
' ============================= MAIN ============================

' How many objects are being processed?
' Whats 'the step' for the percentage bar.
if (Progress_Amount = 0) then
End If
if (Progress_Amount > 100) then
End If
if (Progress_Amount < 100 and Progress_Amount > 0) then
End If

' Show the ProgressBar and start going through
' the objects.
ProgressBar Current_Load
For processing = 1 to Objects
        ' Now our script is doing stuff...
        ProgressBar Current_Load
ProgressBar 101

' ============================= MAIN ============================
' ===============================================================
' ============================= SUBS ============================

Sub ProgressBar(intPercent)
        'Requires global declaration for gdocProgressBar and goieProgressBar
        'Creates an html page showing a status bar.
        'intPercent must be between 0 and 100.
        'If intPercent is out of range, the status bar is shut down.

        'Create the status bar window
        If gdocProgressBar Is Nothing Then
                If ((Cint(intPercent) >= 0) And (Cint(intPercent) <= 100)) Then
                        Set goieProgressBar = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
                        goieProgressBar.Offline = True
                        goieProgressBar.AddressBar = False
                        goieProgressBar.Height = 110
                        goieProgressBar.Width = 250
                        goieProgressBar.MenuBar = False
                        goieProgressBar.StatusBar = False
                        goieProgressBar.Silent = True
                        goieProgressBar.ToolBar = False
                        goieProgressBar.Navigate "about:blank"
                        Do While goieProgressBar.Busy
                                WScript.Sleep 100
                        'On Error Resume Next
                        Set gdocProgressBar = Nothing
                        Do Until Not gdocProgressBar Is Nothing
                                WScript.Sleep 100
                                Set gdocProgressBar = goieProgressBar.Document
                        gdocProgressBar.Write "<html><head><title>"
                        gdocProgressBar.Write "Status"
                        gdocProgressBar.Write "</title></head><body onBlur='self.focus()' onload='self.focus()'><center>"
                        gdocProgressBar.Write "<TABLE width='200' border='3' frame='box' style='z-index:1' BGCOLOR='c0c0c0'><tr><td align=center style='position:relative'>"
                        gdocProgressBar.Write "<font name='reportPercent' id='reportPercent' color='LightBlue' style='z-index:150; position:absolute; left:78'>0%</font><font>&nbsp;</font>"
                        gdocProgressBar.Write "<TABLE align='left' style='position:absolute; left:1px; z-index:100' width='100%' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'>"
                        gdocProgressBar.Write "<tr><td name='status' width='0%' id='status' bgcolor='Green'>&nbsp</td><td name='status' width='100%' id='status2' bgcolor='red'></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></center></body></html>"
                        goieProgressBar.Visible = True
                        Exit Sub
                End If
        End If

        'Close the status bar window
        If Not gdocProgressBar Is Nothing Then
                If ((Cint(intPercent) < 0) Or (Cint(intPercent) > 100)) Then
                        goieProgressBar.Visible = False
                        Set gdocProgressBar = Nothing
                        Set goieProgressBar = Nothing
                        Exit Sub
                End If
        End If

        'Update the status bar window
        If Cint(intPercent) = 0 Then
                gdocProgressBar.all.status.width = "1%"
                gdocProgressBar.all.status.bgcolor = "red"
                gdocProgressBar.all.status2.width = "100%"
                gdocProgressBar.all.status.width = Cstr(Cint(intPercent)) & "%"
                gdocProgressBar.all.reportPercent.innerHTML = ""&Cstr(Cint(intPercent))&"%"
                gdocProgressBar.all.status2.width = (101-Cstr(Cint(intPercent))) & "%"
                gdocProgressBar.all.status.bgcolor = "Green"
        End If
End Sub

' ============================= SUBS ============================
' ===============================================================
-- Attached file included as plaintext by Listar --
-- File: Alert.vbs.txt

' ==============================================================
' Created By: Brian ThunderEagle
' Custom Error Handling : Alert Script v.11
' Adaptation from ProgressBar
' ==============================================================
' ======================== DECLARATIONS ========================

Dim OieDocAlertWindow
Dim OieAlertWindow
Dim myError
Dim Getting_Error
Dim Continue
Dim sEvent
Continue = True
Getting_Error = False
Set OieDocAlertWindow = Nothing
Set OieAlertWindow = Nothing
Set OieAlertWindow = wscript.CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
On Error Resume Next

' ======================== DECLARATIONS =========================
' ===============================================================
' ============================= MAIN ============================

'NOTE: This will call the Alert Box, but not provide an error code
' this results in a "null" error. It will report that no error
' has really occurred, and you have the option to continue.
GiveAlert myError
if Continue=False then
        Set OieDocAlertWindow = Nothing
        Set OieAlertWindow = Nothing
end if

For counting = 1 to 100000
        ' If these things happen, make this error Code.
        if counting=1000 then
                'NOTE: This will call the Alert Box, and is in the range of 1 to 99
                ' which is the standard Error range. This gives the user
                ' "Continue" and "Cancel" options.
                GiveAlert myError
                if Continue=False then
                        Set OieDocAlertWindow = Nothing
                        Set OieAlertWindow = Nothing
                end if
        elseif counting=20000 then
                'NOTE: This will call the Alert Box, and is in the range of 100 to 199
                ' which is the confirmation range. The user must answer with "Yes"
                ' or "No".
                GiveAlert myError
                if Continue=False then
                        Set OieDocAlertWindow = Nothing
                        Set OieAlertWindow = Nothing
                end if
        elseif counting=50000 then
                'NOTE: This will call the Alert Box, and is in the range of 200 to 299
                ' which is the Fatal error range. The user can only quit the script
                ' at this point.
                exit for
        end if

' If we have received an error somewhere, show it
if myError then
        GiveAlert myError
        if Continue=False then
        end if
        Set OieDocAlertWindow = Nothing
        Set OieAlertWindow = Nothing
end if
'wscript.echo Continue

' ============================= MAIN ============================
' ===============================================================
' ============================= SUBS ============================

Function GiveAlert(intMyCode)
' We need to re-open a new InternetExplorer object and tell our program we are
' currently waiting for a user response ( Getting_Error=True )
        Set OieAlertWindow = wscript.CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
        Getting_Error = True
' At the moment, we don't want the program to continue unless the event
' specified tells us specifically to continue.
        Continue = False
'Create the status bar window
        If OieDocAlertWindow Is Nothing Then
                If ((Cint(intMyCode) >= 0) And (Cint(intMyCode) <= 300)) Then
                        OieAlertWindow.Offline = True
                        OieAlertWindow.AddressBar = False
                        OieAlertWindow.Height = 225
                        OieAlertWindow.Width = 300
                        OieAlertWindow.MenuBar = False
                        OieAlertWindow.StatusBar = False
                        OieAlertWindow.Silent = True
                        OieAlertWindow.ToolBar = False
                        OieAlertWindow.Navigate "about:blank"
                        Do While OieAlertWindow.Busy
                                WScript.Sleep 100
                        'On Error Resume Next
                        Set OieDocAlertWindow = Nothing
                        Do Until Not OieDocAlertWindow Is Nothing
                                WScript.Sleep 100
                                Set OieDocAlertWindow = OieAlertWindow.Document
                        OieDocAlertWindow.Write "<html><head><title>"
                        OieDocAlertWindow.Write "Error"
                        OieDocAlertWindow.Write "</title></head>"
                        OieDocAlertWindow.Write "<STYLE TYPE = 'text/css'>"
                        OieDocAlertWindow.Write "BODY {FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial','Verdana';}"
                        OieDocAlertWindow.Write "FONT.1 {FONT-SIZE: 12pt; COLOR:'red'}"
                        OieDocAlertWindow.Write "FONT.2 {FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR:'black'}"
                        OieDocAlertWindow.Write "</STYLE><body onBlur='self.focus()' onload='self.focus()'><center>"
                        OieDocAlertWindow.Write "<TABLE width='100%' height='100%' border='1' frame='box' BGCOLOR='c0c0c0'>"
                        OieDocAlertWindow.Write "<tr height='20%'><td colspan='2'><font class='1' name='errorcode' id='errorcode'>Error: Null</font></td></tr>"
                        OieDocAlertWindow.Write "<tr height='60%'><td colspan='2'><FONT class='2' id='theMessage' name='theMessage'>&nbsp;</FONT></td></tr>"
                        If Cint(intMyCode) < 100 then
                                OieDocAlertWindow.Write "<tr height='20%'><td width=50% align=center><input type='submit' value='Continue' name='cmdContinue'></td>"
                                OieDocAlertWindow.Write "<td width=50% align=center><input type='submit' value='Cancel' name='cmdCancel' onclick='window.close(this);'>"
                                OieDocAlertWindow.Write "</td></tr></table></center></body></html>"
                                Set OieAlertWindow.Document.all.cmdCancel.OnClick = GetRef("cmdCancel_Click")
                                Set OieAlertWindow.Document.all.cmdContinue.OnClick = GetRef("cmdContinue_Click")
                                Set OieAlertWindow.Document.body.OnUnload = GetRef("cmdCheck_Click")
                        Elseif Cint(intMyCode) > 199 then
                                If Cint(intMyCode) < 300 then
                                        OieDocAlertWindow.Write "<tr height='20%'><td colspan='2' align='center'>"
                                        OieDocAlertWindow.Write "<input type='submit' value='Quit' name='cmdCancel' onclick='window.close(this);'>"
                                        OieDocAlertWindow.Write "</td></tr></table></center></body></html>"
                                        Set OieAlertWindow.Document.all.cmdCancel.OnClick = GetRef("cmdCancel_Click")
                                        Set OieAlertWindow.Document.body.OnUnload = GetRef("cmdCancel_Click")
                                End If
                        Elseif Cint(intMyCode) > 99 then
                                If Cint(intMyCode) < 200 then
                                        OieDocAlertWindow.Write "<tr height='20%'><td width=50% align=center><input type='submit' value='Yes' name='cmdYes'></td>"
                                        OieDocAlertWindow.Write "<td width=50% align=center><input type='submit' value='No' name='cmdNo' onclick='window.close(this);'>"
                                        OieDocAlertWindow.Write "</td></tr></table></center></body></html>"
                                        Set OieAlertWindow.Document.all.cmdYes.OnClick = GetRef("cmdYes_Click")
                                        Set OieAlertWindow.Document.all.cmdNo.OnClick = GetRef("cmdNo_Click")
                                        Set OieAlertWindow.Document.body.OnUnload = GetRef("cmdCheck_Click")
                                End If
                        End If
                        OieAlertWindow.Visible = True
                        ' This cannot be called, because it will report the process
                        ' as cancelled when the error window is closed by default
                        ' ie: OieAlertWindow.close
                        ' Set OieAlertWindow.Document.body.OnUnLoad = GetRef("cmdCancel_Click")
                        Exit Function
                End If
        End If
' Close the status bar window
' If an error code was given out of our range the error window is hidden
' at this point. This is a default action, and can be removed or modifed
' for expandability. For use with Standard Err.Number codes, this section
' MUST be commented out. Otherwise myError 101 hides and closes the error box.
        'If Not OieDocAlertWindow Is Nothing Then
        ' If ((Cint(intMyCode) < 0) Or (Cint(intMyCode) > 300)) Then
        ' OieAlertWindow.Visible = False
        ' Set OieDocAlertWindow = Nothing
        ' OieAlertWindow.Quit
        ' Set OieAlertWindow = Nothing
        ' Exit Function
        ' End If
        'End If
' What does the Error number we got mean?
' If we didn't get an error number or if the number has been
' undefined, then tell the user "There was no error" and
' "There was an unknown error" respectively.
        If Cint(intMyCode) = False Then
                OieDocAlertWindow.all.errorcode.innerHTML = "Error: "&intMyCode
                OieDocAlertWindow.all.theMessage.innerHTML = "No error occurred, this has been called by mistake."
        ElseIf Cint(intMyCode) = 101 Then
                OieDocAlertWindow.all.errorcode.innerHTML = "Error: "&intMyCode
                OieDocAlertWindow.all.theMessage.innerHTML = "Something is buggin me...<br>Are you sure you want<br>to do this?"
        ElseIf Cint(intMyCode) = 201 Then
                OieDocAlertWindow.all.errorcode.innerHTML = "Error: "&intMyCode
                OieDocAlertWindow.all.theMessage.innerHTML = "Fatal Error has occurred. Script cannot continue."
                OieDocAlertWindow.all.errorcode.innerHTML = "Error: "&intMyCode
                OieDocAlertWindow.all.theMessage.innerHTML = "An unknown error occurred!<br><br>Continuing may produce further<br>errors."
        End If
' While Getting_Error is true, lets look for what the user
' wants to do or what the program has told us to do.
' This will loop forever until the user either closes the Alert Box
' or clicks a button on the Alert Box.
        Do While Getting_Error
                wscript.sleep 100
                select case sEvent
                        case "Cancel"
                                wscript.sleep 100
                                Exit function
                        case "Continue"
                                wscript.sleep 100
                                Exit function
                        case "Yes"
                                wscript.sleep 100
                                Exit function
                        case "No"
                                wscript.sleep 100
                                Exit function
                End Select
end function

' Was the user supposed to close this window yet?
Sub cmdCheck_Click()
        if sEvent = "" then
                Set OieDocAlertWindow = Nothing
                Set OieAlertWindow = Nothing
                GiveAlert myError
        End If
End sub

' What should the sEvent be for what the user clicked.
Sub cmdCancel_Click()
        sEvent = "Cancel"
End sub
Sub cmdContinue_Click()
        sEvent = "Continue"
End Sub
Sub cmdYes_Click()
        sEvent = "Yes"
End Sub
Sub cmdNo_Click()
        sEvent = "No"
End Sub

' ============================= SUBS ============================
' ===============================================================
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This archive was generated by hypermail 2a23 : Tue Apr 01 2003 - 12:20:53 AKST