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  • Previous message: Greg Jetter: "Re: Fw: Re: Virus Attack!"
  • In reply to: Fielder George Dowding: "Re: some new email virus?"
  • Next in thread: "Re: some new email virus? (My pitch)"
  • Reply: Greg Madden: "Re: some new email virus?"
  • Reply: Greg Madden: "Re: some new email virus?"

    On Thu, 2003-02-06 at 10:03, Fielder George Dowding wrote:
    > Yesterday (roughly within the past twenty-four hours) I have
    > received six to eight. They were different, but each contained an
    > executable (*.exe) disguised as a sound file. I filed two of them
    > and sent a spam report through SpamCop. All messages were received
    > via my ACS DSL e-mail account. I sent a message to
    > pointing out I was getting these virus
    > carrying messages. I asked them to take action to prevent
    > distribution of these, especially to me. So, it appears my e-mail
    > account has been disabled. fgd.

    The other side of the coin... do you want a third party between you and
    your email? I think GCI has filters for email accounts on their servers
    that the client can configure. I don't use ACS for incoming so I don't
    know about their filtering options.

    Do you really want a third party to decide what content is okay and
    what is not :)

    Greg Madden
    Precision Air Balance, Inc.
    Phone: 907-276-0461

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