Subject: /var and /tmp
From: Damien Hull (
Date: Mon Dec 30 2002 - 10:01:47 AKST
I thought I'd pass this information on so others don't end up in the
same situation I did.
While messing up my installation of Debian I found out some interesting
things about /var and /tmp. I ran out of space on both of them.
I don't know how big /var was before I reinstalled but I think I had
something like 99mb free. That shrank down to nothing after installing a
few things. I don't remember what I installed that took up that space
but something did.
I found out that while you are downloading things they are temporarily
stored in /tmp. If you don't have enough space to store the download in
/tmp you wont be able to download it.
My solution was to give more space to /var and create a partition for
/tmp. Here's how I partitioned my HD.
dethstar:~# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda2 149M 63M 86M 43% /
/dev/hda5 384M 143M 241M 38% /var
/dev/hda6 188M 33M 156M 18% /tmp
/dev/hda7 3.0G 724M 2.2G 24% /usr
/dev/hda8 149M 42M 107M 28% /home
FreeBSD partitions the HD like this as well. You have to add /home but
it creates the rest. I think it gives 250mb to /var and /tmp.I hope I
didn't make /tmp to small.
I hope this info is useful and keeps people from running out of space in
/var and /tmp.
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