Subject: Re: Music
From: William Bouterse (
Date: Sat Dec 28 2002 - 16:36:28 AKST
Matthew Dunaway wrote:
>Does anyone know of a good, free music converter? I have about 700 WMA
>files (Windows Media Audio) that I would like to be able to listen to on
>Linux? Either in Mp3 format or Ogg Vorbis.
>I found quite a few free converters, but don't know which one to use.
> Also, I seem to recall that XMMS had a plug in for WMA files, but I
>can't seem to find it on their website. Any ideas??
If this is for your Mandrake installation...The most comprehensive group
of audio and video programs including ones not "legally" available in
the USA are here....
William Bouterse
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