Subject: RE: somrthing like putty
From: Hassler, Jeff (
Date: Thu Dec 26 2002 - 12:03:55 AKST
From Linux, just set the display on the remote machine to your local
machine with the window numbers, (i.e. export DISPLAY=3Dlocal:0.0), then
run Xwindows app.
If you are asking about from a Win box, I use cygwin, available thru It is a unix api that runs under windows. I did almost a
full install, so it is taking up 600 Mb, you can get by with a lot less,
just make sure you install Xfree86. And I use it to make Xwindows
connections to Linux and Unix.
Another possibility is VNC, but you must install the VNC server on the
remote machine and VNC client on local win machine. It is very small,
but the sysadmin may not want it installed. It is written by AT&T
England, I think.
-----Original Message-----
From: i_robot []=20
Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 8:53 PM
Subject: somrthing like putty
Is there something like putty that will allow X windows?
I'd like to be able to run some progs with a win box from a remote
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