Subject: Re: Using Amanda backup
From: Jim Dory (
Date: Tue Dec 17 2002 - 13:49:57 AKST
Mike Barsalou wrote:
>OK. Now that I feel confident I can reload files from tape....if I wanted
>to backup the ENTIRE machine...which directories would I have to exclude?
>Here are some that I am pretty sure I would want to exclude:
>/mnt - or maybe not
>/tmp - or maybe not
Here's from a script that might help. It may be Redhat centric but would
give you an idea:
# Contents of /usr/local/etc/afio-backup-exclude
# ^./var/spool
# ^./usr/local/src
# ^./proc
# ^./tmp
# ^./var/tmp
# ^./home/morph/lprtemp
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