Subject: Re: Package's
From: Anthony Valentine (
Date: Mon Dec 16 2002 - 20:41:02 AKST
The reason that each rpm doesn't contain everything that you would need
is because it would simply get to be too big. And how far do you go
with the 'everything'? Include glibc and qt with every KDE program?
It would be nice if the people who make rpms of their software would at
least include a link to any required, non-standard (i.e. that doesn't
come with you base RedHat or sume such) software. Some do, but most
That is the downfall of rpm based systems. Any single package is easy
to install or remove, but you can end up in 'dependancy hell' trying to
get every required package installed.
The easy solution to that is to use a Debian system with apt-get or a
Gentoo system with portage (or a BSD system with ports).
Since I've started using Gentoo, I won't go back to an rpm based
system. To be fair, I've never used Debian or apt-get, but portage does
everything I need it to do.
On Mon, 2002-12-16 at 19:48, Adam Elkins wrote:
> WHY not include everything you need with an RPM, tgz....Half the time I t=
> ry to=20
> install something, I send hours trying to get all the damn libs and what =
> not=20
> that are needed...if is needed why not just put it in the packa=
> ge??
> Adam
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