Subject: vcard to csv perl project
From: Mike Barsalou (
Date: Fri Dec 13 2002 - 06:42:54 AKST
Anyone care to take on the need for a vcard to csv converter project and
writing it in perl? If I knew perl a lot better I would be able to knock it
out myself...but I am stuck when it comes to parsing the individual fields.
I can read the file and find the beginning and end of the card, but am
having difficulty in figuring out how to get each item and output it to a
file. I think the logic is something like this:
- Read the entire vcard file to identify all the possible output fields (set
up an array using hashes?)
- Read the file again, card by card and placing data in the array when data
exists in the file
- print out the record
- Do this over and over until all the cards have been processed.
I am open to any ideas out there.
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