Subject: Re: Router/Firewall/DHCP
From: Justin Dieters (
Date: Wed Dec 11 2002 - 11:42:01 AKST
That's my question.. :) They all say they do this and that, but I don't
know how configurable they are - I'm looking for something that I can
configure like my Smoothwall box at home - I don't want to be stuck with
their default Firewall rules, and they don't give up too much
information on what they can't do - just what they can.
Right now I have my eye on the Netgear Prosafe 4-port - $130. But I'm
looking to see if anyone has any recommendations..
Tim Jordan, Network Services wrote:
> Would a simple Linksys DSL router do the job? $50 at Compusa.
> Tim
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