RE: SparcStation 10

Subject: RE: SparcStation 10
From: David Brown (
Date: Mon Dec 09 2002 - 17:12:35 AKST

I have the external scsi CDROM drive from the Friday night meeting. It has a
terminator on it but the attached cable just allows for the CDROM to be
daisy chained to another scsi device. I am not familiar with the Sparc
Station 10, but I have both pci and isa scsi controller cards and an
external cable from the controller card to the scsi cdrom. I had planned to
attach the external CDROM drive to my laptop with my parallel port to scsi
cable. However, if you have or know someone who has a 2.5" hard drive that
will fit a Zenith notebook, maybe we can work out a deal. I'll even throw in
a couple of ex-wives!

Dave Brown

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of
Sent: November 30, 2002 1:57 PM
To:; Jim Gribbin
Subject: Re: SparcStation 10

I have a sparc server 10 Slowaris is way to slow on em and yes you can dual
boot (but not worth the effort) Mandrake 7.1 runs nice on it.

The problem is the sparc station/server 10 has no internal HD you have to
have the external HD cage and and scsi CDROM for it. Also takes a High end
monitor and a $60 dollar adapter to conect to a non sun monitor (need a
multi freq with weird scan in it). It should have 1 or 2 40 mhz sparc1 CPUS
in it. Mine has dual scsi, dual nics (one is on the scsi card and both Nics
have the same MAC go figure). They make a nice X11 app server and file
space do to the WIDE sparc bus, can handle lots of clients and traffic but
the bus is SLOW (makes a nice NAT firewall box, web server etc) I normal
mount a nfs file system from one of my other boxen for access to larger
files etc as that generation uses a scsi2 (50 pin).

Keyboard and Mouse are standandard sun hardware (any sun keyboard and mouse
willl work) The Mouse plugs into the keyboard and the keyboard into the

This help?

10 mins, Bill Gates, and a Baseball Bat.... Is this to much to ask God?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Gribbin" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, November 30, 2002 3:24 PM
Subject: SparcStation 10

> I scored a Sun SparcStation 10 someone was throwing out. Literally.
> Pulled it from a dumpster. It seems to be reasonably complete except for
> a keyboard-cable and mouse. Does anyone know where I could come up with
> these items?
> Would also appreciate any tips or advise on setting up this thing. Will
> probably put Linux on this thing unless it already has Solaris. Do these
> things dual-boot?
> --
> Jim Gribbin <>
> Anchorage Jewelry Supply
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