Subject: ROADMAP to Friday Linux at IDEA
From: Stanley Long (
Date: Thu Dec 05 2002 - 21:53:18 AKST
jennifer gross and jeremy shull wrote:
> For this up coming meeting for a newbie to linux who wants to watch and
> learn and help where I can't (Insert laugh track here) what time and where
This week we should be opening tables and stretching power cords anytime
after 4-o'clock. If you don't have a machine, there should be one or two
available so you can play the "install Linux" game for yourself.
Mapquest almost gets you there, searching on "200 Centre Court":
Its IDEA's old Anchorage office, south of Potter Drive, between "A" and
"B" streets, at the east end of "200 Centre Court".
I turn off "C" street onto Potter (eastbound), go past "B", and then
take the next right (south) at the alley that is the slightly
offset south extension of "A" street. There is lots more parking in the
parking lot in front, but I like parking next to the back door. The
equipment carry is only 50' :-)
If you come south from International Airport Road on "A" street (past
Graybar Electric), you jog right (west) 20 feet when crossing Potter.
... or see attached if you got this direct, and not stripped by the
list server :-)
The map doesn't show "A" street continuing south across Potter drive, so
I drew it in.
The big red star is about right for the parking lot. There are buildings
all 'round the lot, and IDEA's is on the right (east side).
The front door is at NW corner of building, but might be locked.
My blue '76 Ford Van-o-parts should be parked behind the building, as I
use the "A" street (alley ?) route.
Stanley Long
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