Subject: Re: AGPGART ERRORS and system instability
From: Peter Q. Olsson (
Date: Thu Dec 05 2002 - 10:49:23 AKST
The message below was posted a while back, but I am reposting again as am hoping
to get some "hits" on it this time. Hope some GRUB expert there will PLZ inform.
> I have been having problems with the Xserver. We have dual Athlon XP systems
>nvidia MX440 video cards, running RH8.0 2.4.18 smp kernels. The kernel has been
>patched/tweaked to optimize the video card. However I now notice AGPGART errors
>in the log and the occasional system crash.
>Nov 10 07:10:51 nenana kernel: NVRM: AGPGART: freed 2304 pages
>Nov 10 07:10:51 nenana kernel: NVRM: AGPGART: freed 258 pages
>Nov 10 08:01:01 nenana kernel: NVRM: AGPGART: allocated 258 pages
>Nov 10 08:01:01 nenana kernel: NVRM: AGPGART: allocated 2304 pages
>Nov 10 08:11:01 nenana kernel: NVRM: AGPGART: freed 2304 pages
>I believe the errors are associated with certain video applications (Tux Racer
>and screen savers)
> A suggested fix from nvidia was to append "mem=nopentium" as kernel option
>lilo boot command. This is the first system with which I have used grub as the
>boot loader. Should I be able to use the same syntax to send this kernel option
>at boot? I have tried it a couple of times. The machine will boot to runlevel 3
>but will crash when I start X. This suggests that the boot loader is passing
>option but it is not a fix.
>Another suggestion was to force the AGP rate down from the default 4X to 2X.
>do I change the parameter "NVreg_ReqAGPRate=2". the instructions are:
>"If you are inserting the module manually:
> insmod NVreg_ReqAGPRate=2 #force AGP Rate to 2x"
>I have tried editing /etc/modules.conf. How do I know that I am using modprobe?
>and is there anything else I should do to force the AGPRate?
>Has anyone else had any similar problems with AGPGART and the nvidia driver/
>kernel mod?
>Any different ideas on a fix?
>Karl Volz
>Research Associate
>Alaska Experimental Forecast Facility
>2811 Merrill Field Dr.
>Anchorage AK 99501
>(907) 264-7427
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| |
| Dr. Peter Q. Olsson, |
| Chief Scientist, Alaska Experimental Forecast Facility |
| University of Alaska Anchorage |
| 2811 Merrill Field Drive |
| Anchorage, AK 99501 |
| voice: (907) 264-7449 |
| fax : (907) 264-7444 |
| |
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